System For Handling Any Objection Masterclass

Unlock the secrets of objection handling with our "EDGE Objection Quadrant" course. Learn how to proactively prevent objections and master the art of obliterating them when they arise. This course equips you with effective counters to tackle 39 of the most common objections, ensuring smoother sales interactions.

Here's what you can expect:

1 - The EDGE Quadrant Masterclass - Two Part Video Series

  • Learn the psychology behind the 4 primary objection types with the proper counter for each
  • Master the Socratic Questioning technique to build unshakable trust
  • Cultivate empathy as your secret weapon
  • Master the art of active listening by genuinely understanding your prospect's needs & building trust
  • Go, No-Go: Why the 6 W’s & H are essential to closing any deal
  • Elevate your communication game with the DISC model
  • Unlock the power of NEGATIVE questioning—it's not what you think
  • Dive into "Transactional Analysis" and uncover why it's Psychology 101
  • This course is loaded with examples and nuggets for immediate implementation

2 - The Objection Obliterator Script for Handling the Top 39 Objections

Hopefully you won't need these, but we are giving them to you as somewhat of a quick start cheat sheet on how we would handle each.

Our approach is a breed apart. We've slotted each objection into its rightful QUADRANT, giving you an extra layer of understanding behind the psychology of the four objection types.

Leverage this strategy to elevate your deal-closing skills and add at least another 1% improvement to your sales arsenal.

3 - Objection Exercise Workbook

As you will learn with our 7 Pillars of Marginal Gains, learning is just the first pillar. It's critical to put your newfound knowledge into action, combating what we call "Memory Erosion."

Beyond examples, we dive deeper into the psychology behind objections. We created this workbook as the perfect companion to the video masterclass and our quadrant philosophy.

You will receive:

  • Immediate Access to the Video Masterclass - Two Part Video Series
  • The Objection Obliterator Script for Handling the Top 39 Objections
  • Objection Exercise Workbook
  • And so much more...

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The Edge Blueprint Copyright 2024 – All rights reserved provides educational and informational content, but we cannot guarantee specific earnings or results. Success depends on various factors such as individual effort, skills, market conditions, and other unforeseen variables. Testimonials and examples are exceptional and not indicative of typical results. Past performance doesn't guarantee future outcomes.